Christine Kao 高孟岑
Managing Director 總經理
熱愛與相信公共關係的專業 可以讓客戶品牌更美好!
1997年於輔仁大學大眾傳播學系廣電組畢業,進入了公共關係領域後,在不同的品牌服務過程中,透過公共關係專業與客戶共同創造結合公關、品牌以及銷售三贏局面。2000年投入高科技公關領域,於代理商服務客戶大型科技外商包括Dell, HP 與AMD。曾任職跨國科技外商亞太區公關經理,管理跨國公關事務;後加入台灣集中保管結算所負責企劃與政府單位聯繫。於2014年重新投身公關代理商服務,希望可以透過自身經驗,讓更多企業可以體認公關價值。
Christine於2000年取得於英國Reading University 國際企業管理(International Management) 碩士學位。
An enthusiast and strong believer in the profession of PR because it better enriches brands!
Christine Kao has over 20 years experience in the field of PR. She has served in PR agencies as well as in both PR and marketing departments for brands. She was the bridge between a financial institution and government agencies. In 1997, after completing the undergraduate degree in Mass Communication at Fu Jen Catholic University, she started the first job in PR field and set as her career as fascinated by the magic power through communication can achieve. In 2000, she involved in the technology PR and worked in the leading technology PR agency to serve clients as Dell, HP and AMD.
Christine worked in the regional PR position as the APAC PR manager in NXP. Afterward, she jointed TDCC (Taiwan Depository and Clearing Corporation.) for government relationships. In 2014, with initial passion of PR, she rejoint PR agencies and intent to hoist the value of PR for her clients.
She found Influence PR in 2019 in the vision to help clients facilitating the valuable relationships to the brand through the new-way of thinking in Public Relations.
Christine earned a master degree in International Management from Reading University, UK, in 2000.